
Start a meditation practice with these three easy tips.  

I love meditating.

I always feel better and it calms my mind and gives me perspective. 

Meditating is a practice that you’ll want to eventually consider especially if you practice Mindfulness. They do go together nicely.

Meditation brings your mind to an alpha state of the brain, however, you go into and out of this all the time.

If you find yourself daydreaming or focusing deeply on something you enjoy- this is the alpha state.

It’s also that deep state of rest before you fall asleep and wake up. 

So, you can meditate, you just need to make it intentional…and practice it. 

Here are the three ways to start Meditating

1. Ritualize your practice. 

Your brain likes habits. It creates habits out of everything because, well, it’s lazy and it’s easier to create a habit than do it fresh over and over again.

So habitualize your meditation practice in the beginning. 

When I meditate, I sit in my favorite chair, light a candle, and take a deep breath.

This triggers my mind to know that “it’s time to meditate.” As this habit continues to expand, before you know it, you’re relaxing even before you meditate.

You can start simply by taking two deep breaths, closing your eyes, and then it’s time to meditate. Whatever puts your mind in the ready state is good.

Your ritual can be simple or elaborate, just make sure you use it every day to start.

It takes around 66 days to put a solid habit in place.

2. Simple technique before you meditate to help calm the mind. 

Expand your peripheral vision. this technique is exactly as it sounds. Purposefully expand your peripheral vision out to the side as far as you can go. Relax, close your eyes, and do it again. This time, imagine or visualize expanding it all the way around your head. 

This technique brings you into an alpha state before you even begin meditating. 

Now, take a deep breath in and close your eyes to begin meditating.


3. Consider a different type of Meditation 

Not good at sitting on the couch?

Maybe you need a meditation that is more active.

Meditation can be anything that gets you into the“zone”, where time flies and you feel connected to your heart and headspace.

This activity may not be meditative in the usual sense, but it changes the brain in the same way. Those relaxation alpha waves can put you in the moment and that is right where you want to be. 

Examples include if you go for a walk, do so mindfully by paying attention to the feeling of movement. Yoga and Tai-chi are great meditative movements. 

Try a guided meditation if you need something to focus on. This way you have a focus and can relax with the voice of someone else. 

 I have provided a few guided meditations on this podcast, the most recent one was when we took a relaxing walk down the ocean’s edge

So, here is a recap:

Do tell me? What is your favorite kind of meditation?

Post below or send me an e-mail 

Now go get meditating! 

Take a deep breath in and exhale

So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE thing. 

Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here. 

Be mindful-one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

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