
Stories are sticky and our mind loves to hold on to them.

Did you know that 80% of the population feels stuck at one point or another?  But, most people don’t do anything about it. Unfortunate, but true.

Take a deep breath, you’re in the right place. 

Please know it’s not your fault if you are “stuck” in a problem. 

Your brain intentionally keeps you ‘stuck’ in a pattern of behavior to make life easy for you. Sounds weird right?

It’s brain science and it works this way for all of us. 

Your brain is complex but it really only has two main focuses. 

  1. Keep you safe. 
  2. Save your energy. 

How your brain keeps you safe.

The brain keeps you safe by evaluating and analyzing your environment which is part of your conscious thinking. When the brain feels as though you are not safe it will override your thinking mind and it does so brilliantly. 

You’ve experienced this before if you’ve ever had the chemical rush from fear or anxiety or if you have ever felt as though something wasn’t right, like that intuitive nudge.

That safety component is working all the time and it’s powerful. So powerful that it will make you pause or feel uncomfortable if your safety is an issue.

However, this safety component can also be wired wrong.

Like a fear of popcorn. It’s unnatural and unwarranted but somewhere along the way, the brain got wired wrong, so, now when popcorn rears its ugly head, you have an anxiety attack. 

How your brain saves you energy 

To save energy your brain will consistently create strong neural pathways, aka habits.

This helps you do things that make your life easier like driving, talking, typing and breathing, etc. These are the things you do automatically, without thought, including getting out of bed on the same side every day or brushing your teeth. 

Your life is all about habits!

This is good and bad.

If you are stuck in a problem then you know how ‘bad’ a bad habit can be. Like biting your nails, addictions, or anxiety. Yes, anxiety is a habit.  But, even simple habits like your internal self-talk or constant procrastination can create problems.

Think of all the habits you have. Most are so natural you’re not even aware of them! It’s called auto-pilot and it makes life easy. 

That’s how good your brain works, and because it’s so good, it can also be changed. 

Hypnosis can help you create better and more helpful habits by removing the stuck emotion you have attached to the habit. We do this by changing the neural pathway to this habit.

We bring in a new better habit by focusing on a smaller part of the big issue.

The best thing about this is we don’t need to dig into your entire problem or cause you more discomfort or anxiety than you may already have. 

Here is a better story…

You have a habit or problem. This will be represented by a few drops of yellow food coloring in water. 

 You may remember as a kid putting those drops in the water or liquid to turn them a different shade. Good times!

The yellow water represents your habit or problem you have. Usually, it’s a big problem so we have a big glass or bucket of it.  

Even though the problem is big, we start small. We work on one small issue at a time. 

We add one drop to the water, then another as we break down this small habit that is attached to the bigger one. 

Now, the water is green.

The new habit or resources you now have is aware of the problem state.  Basically, the neural pathways are talking to each other, blending.

There is a change and you feel it.

But we want it to be long-lasting, so we continue on.  

We add a few more drops.. work on a few more of those smaller issues to make you feel even better. 

See, we don’t need to work on the big issue. We can work on a smaller part of it and still change the entire habit or problem with a trickle-down effect. 

This is because these problems are connected by your brain. Remember the old saying…

“Neurons that fire together, are wired together” 

Soon enough, and with only a few more drops, the water will turn dark blue and your habit has been changed. 

 It’s permanent. 

The yellow, problem or habit is gone and it is almost impossible to add enough yellow food coloring or clear water to bring it back to its original icky problem state. 

Now you can move on feeling wonderful. 

This is the power of hypnosis. 

As we change these neural pathways in turn, you’ll change your mind. 

When you change your thinking, you’ll change your future!


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