
Letting Go of 2023: A Meditative Journey to Create an Awesome 2024

To move beyond 2023, we need to release what we don’t want, so we don’t bring it into the future.  Can you believe it’s almost 2024? I don’t even know where 2023 went, but what I want to do on this podcast episode is bring you through a little journey to make your 2024 even…

Reduce Stress and Anxiety with a fun Breathing Technique

Hate breathing exercises? Well, you just might love this fun way of breathing.  I will not bring you through another box-breathing exercise or supersonic puffing. You know, the kind that feels weird and uncomfortable to breathe through. A while back, I did a meditation that was called Breathing with Your Toes, and, if you know…

The power of silence

Silence is powerful and it can you into a state of mindfulness LET’S TAKE A PAUSE FOR SILENCE  Silence… the lack of noise, the lack of chaos, and loudness.  Now when I talk about silence, I’m definitely not talking about external noise. However, that does affect us in many ways when there’s so much noise…

When Mindfulness is difficult

  Sometimes mindfulness just feels difficult.  It comes and it goes, and it’s very fleeting at times and we struggle.  Even I have trouble with fleeting mindfulness so you’re not alone.  Most often, when I have to do a podcast, I have to do a lot of thinking about what I want to talk about…

Relax with a mini-meditation chair grounding

  Grounding in the present moment is a great way to release stress and worry. Are you ready to settle your body and relax your mind?  Grounding is an amazing feeling and it connects you not only to the earth but to your connect to your body and thus your mind.  If you think about…

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