Reduce Stress and Anxiety with a fun Breathing Technique
Hate breathing exercises? Well, you just might love this fun way of breathing. I will not bring you through another box-breathing exercise or supersonic puffing. You know, the kind that feels weird and uncomfortable to breathe through. A while back, I did a meditation that was called Breathing with Your Toes, and, if you know…
A Guided Hypnotic Meditation to find the answers you seek
Finding an answer to the question you seek is easy when you use hypnosis. You’ve tried everything to find an answer to a question. Maybe it’s a question about a life event coming up, a relationship issue, or a business question. Perhaps you are just looking for clarity about your life. This episode is all…
Break Free from the vicious Start-Stop Cycle: Instead, finish what you start.
Do you ever start a project and then stop around the same time? It’s time to stop that cycle, right now. Do you do things over and over again and expect different results? According to Einstein, this is a sign of insanity. It’s also a sign of how your brain works on habits. You must…
Explore the Mindful Teachings of Yoda
Yoda, the wise Jedi Master can teach us lessons on how to cultivate a mindful life. One of the best movies of all time the Star Wars, of course, and I am a huge Yoda fan, so I wanted to share some powerful Yoda principles that will help you to cultivate a better way of…
Discover easy ways to Sprinkle Mindfulness throughout your day
Mindfulness can bring you peace, joy, and a sense of appreciation. Learn how to sprinkle it throughout your day. I talk about a sprinkle of mindfulness in the introduction of this podcast for every episode. Yes, it is one of the consistent things I do. LOL A sprinkle, a tiny bit. Sprinkles are usually added…