Breaking Free from Anticipatory Anxiety: Three strategies for a Peaceful Mindset

Breaking Free from Anticipatory Anxiety: Three strategies for a Peaceful Mindset

If we are not careful, we can anticipate our anxiety into existence.  It is so uncomfortable to have a fear or a worry that you’re going to go into anxiety. So what can we do about it before it even hits us?  There is something called anticipatory anxiety and what that means is the worry,…

Journey into Holiday Calm: Recharge your Battery with a Guided Meditation

Journey into Holiday Calm: Recharge your Battery with a Guided Meditation

Are you ready to enjoy your holiday instead of feeling all stressed out? The best thing about holidays are the people. The worst thing about holidays are the people. It gets so peoply out there and the only way you can get through the holiday season is to keep your energy and battery charged up….

Reduce Stress and Anxiety with a fun Breathing Technique
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Reduce Stress and Anxiety with a fun Breathing Technique

Hate breathing exercises? Well, you just might love this fun way of breathing.  I will not bring you through another box-breathing exercise or supersonic puffing. You know, the kind that feels weird and uncomfortable to breathe through. A while back, I did a meditation that was called Breathing with Your Toes, and, if you know…