
Patience can be found in mindfulness, you’ll learn how now.

We can all use a little patience, right? 

So, the topic is about learning how to be more patient with mindfulness. We always feel like we need patience when it comes to things in our life.

Standing at the grocery store- waiting in line. Driving down the road with the person in front of us driving way too slow. (That’s mine) or becoming impatient with the people around you, especially during these holiday times.

How impatient are YOU waiting for that Thanksgiving dinner?

I recently moved to a new area. I could feel myself losing my patience easily when I wanted to get somewhere, but I didn’t know where I was going. Just now I can start to recognize areas. Getting better. But in the beginning, I was literally “lost.”

Mindfulness puts patients into perspective. It helps us get out of our heads so we can see the bigger picture. You know, the is-this-worth the frustration I’m causing myself or others right now perspective. Is it worth getting angry, upset, or annoyed? Most often it is not.

We are trying to change what is. what is, is acceptance.

Patience is a byproduct of time. We often feel rushed, annoyed or like we are “waiting” for something to happen. In order for us to have patience issues, we often have a time issue- and it’s usually a concern over time we feel we are losing or going to lose.

Patience can only exist if you have time you reflect on it. It’s part of the thinking mind.

Here is the interesting thing about mindfulness.

There is no “time” issue in mindfulness. 

When you’re mindful you’re in a space of acceptance and openness.

You’re in the here and now- you’re not worried about the past or concerned about the future.

So the next time you want to feel more patient, become mindful.

Take 30 seconds to become mindful. 

We can do it now.

Take a nice deep breath in and exhale. And just notice where you are.

Pay attention.

Right now. I’m sitting in a parking lot. It’s a beautiful fall day. The trees are absolutely beautiful. A warm day for the fall season. And there’s a stillness with the leaves. Just a slight movement.

Cars are going by one after the other.

And it’s just a matter of being here, noticing them.

That’s right.

Take a big deep breath and exhale.

Start off slow.

Just follow your breath.

Let it gently guide you into the here and now.

And notice during that moment, the patient part of you will fade away.

Thank you for listening.

Have a great day

Take another deep breath and exhale.

So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE thing.

Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here.
Be mindful-one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

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