
Your thinking can make you suffer more than you need to.


We often believe we have to suffer when we don’t and we also often define ourselves by our emotions. “I’m an angry person”, I am an anxious person.” I have no control, I have fear.

Here you’re taking what is an emotion and you’re making it who you are as a person, and that is not true.

We are not the sum of our emotions. We are so much deeper than that.

Even if you take the conscious and the subconscious mind-the conscious mind, 10% is what we’re seeing. You’re walking, talking to yourself that keeps you safe. The subconscious mind is 90% of who you are and what goes deeper is below the surface.

We are not the sum of our emotions.

Are we affected by emotions? Yes.

Do we react depending on our emotions? Yes.

But we are not only our emotions.

Our thoughts are not our sensations either. 

A sensation is a feeling, feeling a twin somewhere in your body, maybe even feeling your stomach growl. That’s all a sensation. So it’s kind of something that’s tangible feeling that twinge of anxiety or that bubbling up of rage. You feel it.

Thinking is thinking.

Thinking about the anxiety, thinking of what it 

might feel like or what it could feel like, or looking back to how you reacted before, or how you react now.

That is called a prediction error. The brain does that to make life easy. It’s all based on habits and 90% of what you do is based on what you did yesterday and the day before that.

So every time you break that habit, you’ll break whatever problem you have.


But instead, if we get in the habit of not automatically believing what the brain tells us, we’re in a better state.

Start to do a check-in and start to see if are you congruent with where you think you may be versus where you are actually at.

This is also kind of a cognitive dissonance as well because we often think that where we’re at is okay and that since we’ve been here, we get comfortable with not being comfortable.

After all, it’s what we know and it’s what we believe we need to handle.

Start to pay attention to what your body and mind are saying, and when they’re congruent which means they match that’s when you can start to make some changes that matter. 

Remember, you have a powerful mind and it can be changed to support the life you want to live. In the meantime, enjoy your day, one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

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One Response

  1. Marjorie Mahoney says:

    Wonderful podcast….

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