
It’s a great time to start to see yourself for who you really are.

It all comes down to being congruent, to stepping into who you are as a person.

This isn’t about the anxious person, the fearful person, the argumentative person, or the negative person.

Those are emotional states, and emotional states change. You can wake up in the morning and be happy, you can go to bed, piss, to shit the emotional states.

Do not mistake your changeable emotional state as your solid authentic state. They are not the same.

But underneath all those emotional states is the person you are. It is your highest intention, your highest ideal. It is the person who rises above all of these difficulties, who rides the wave of all these difficulties.

And when you become congruent, you know who you are and you learn to look at your faults or quote unquote defects or difficulties, not as a crux to bear but as part of your journey, and you learn how to take those situations and flip them over. 

Look under those emotions 

I would suggest that you just sit down and really look underneath all of the emotions that you have all of the difficulties, and even the winds and the good things.

But look underneath all that and who are you when you are at your most congruent?

We tend to be a bit more critical at the end of the year. We’re doing a lot of evaluation, we’re looking at what we’ve done this past year, we’re matching this past year to our previous years and we’re always evaluating and judging ourselves.

The most important question to ask

And I want you to step out of that for a minute and, instead of judging yourself, appreciate yourself and ask this question…

What is beneath all of that?

What is beneath all of that emotion? Who is the real you and what do you need to make your next year better than this year?

 I want you to step into it to really come out, so to speak, to who you are and to embrace that part of you, to embrace the ability to be authentic.

It’s easy to just go about our life, but sometimes we need just step out and say who we are and what we believe in and what our values are what our motivations are, and what we desire.

It’s not selfish. If anything, it is raising your platform, and that allows other people to see you as their motivation and their inspiration.

It all circles back around again.

Remember, you have a powerful mind and it can be changed to support the life you want to live. In the meantime, enjoy your day, one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

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