
Are you ready to enjoy your holiday instead of feeling all stressed out?

The best thing about holidays are the people. The worst thing about holidays are the people. It gets so peoply out there and the only way you can get through the holiday season is to keep your energy and battery charged up.

It’s hard dealing with the overwhelm, the push and pull on your time plus having to deal with people and places you would rather not deal with. 

So instead, we will focus on protecting your time and your energy just in case you have to go over to your not-so-favorite uncle’s house, or you have to deal with a long, drone holiday party that you wish you could avoid, but you have to be there.

Either way, with all these extra obligations and everything that goes on in the holiday and the busyness and the fast pace it’s really hard to settle yourself down. 

Guided Meditation to recharge your battery

You will take a nice journey to the recharging station in your mind where you can recharge your batter, and find some motivation, focus, perhaps patience, compassion, and even kindness for the situation you might be in.  You’ll learn how to notice your energy level and increase it if you need too. Plus you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind to go on “autopilot” to help you out. 

This meditation can help you be the best version of yourself and allow others to do the same. 

Plus, you can tap into the holiday spirit and to pay it forward, so to speak. This is a gift to you give to yourself and others this holiday season.

Remember, you have a powerful mind and it can be changed to support the life you want to live. In the meantime, enjoy your day, one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

P.S if you want to connect to the holiday season, don’t forget to check out the podcast episode that is all about the holiday lights. Posted below in the resource section. 

Resources & Links Mentioned:

Laugh Anxiety Away Workshop 
Enjoy the holiday lights– a mini-meditation of reflection
Hypnosis with Cheryl 

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