
You want your children to grow up, being more mindful. How do you start? 

How do you teach your children how to be mindful? 

Children are already in a mindful state. They are very curious and open-minded. 

If anything, children can teach us how to be more mindful.

The most important thing that you can do when it comes to mindfulness in your children is to not unteach them to be mindful.

Children laugh at nothing.

They’re curious about everything and they love to explore.

When children become unmindful they start to become afraid. They question things and they start to take on their parents’ issues.

Remember, If you overthink and worry, they notice it. They feel it.

So be aware of that.

Allow them to be present, joyful, and inquisitive for as long as possible, while keeping them safe.

You don’t want to squish or squash their desire to play and explore, or their gratitude for the small things either. 

Kids are naturally Mindful. 

Tips to increase mindfulness in children? 

Teach them physical sensations. Feeling their fingers and toes wiggle, how it feels to stretch and to jump and to move.

Bring in the elements. Feeling the sun on their face or the wind in their hair or the coldness of a snowball. Feel the softness of a flower petal. The joy you see on a small child who is rubbing a flower petal on their face is precious.

Make it short. Keep these short and to the point. Their attention span is short, match it. 

Teach them how to take a deep breath. How to shake things off. Literally! They shake their whole body. You should try it, very cathartic. 

Teach them sensations. How to pay attention to the feel of a hug, the fur of a cat, the lick of a dog, or even warm doggy breath. Hold your nose!

Dive deep into the sensory component. Immerse in it and you will see their face light up. 

The best way to teach them mindfulness?

Is when you become mindful. 

We have mirror neurons in our body these mirror neurons help us connect to people. Mirror people. 

Children will connect to the softness around you, to the kindness and the spaciousness you hold. They’re going to want to become more like you, without you having to do anything.

Then you’ll get to watch them be mindful. Be playful. Be inquisitive as they appreciate the little things. This will make you want to be more like them. 

It’s an exchange of love..of being present together. 

Lastly, and this is important. 

Have fun!! Make this a fun experience, not a chore.

Remember, you have a powerful mind and it can be changed to support the life you want to live. In the meantime, enjoy your day, one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 


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