
Finding an answer to the question you seek is easy when you use hypnosis. 

You’ve tried everything to find an answer to a question. Maybe it’s a question about a life event coming up, a relationship issue, or a business question. Perhaps you are just looking for clarity about your life.  

This episode is all about asking a specific question. So, I’m going to ask you a question and then you can ask your question.

Download the guided meditation portion of this podcast with soothing music.


The answers are right here. 

What if the answer you sought was already inside of you? We are a creature of habit, so when we have a question or a problem we look out in the world for the answer. We’ll look to our phones and outside place. Even during this time of year, we might look for answers in the stars, the moon, the cards, or the flame. 

What if it could be found when you connect with the power of your mind as you move into a gentle hypnotic trance?

Perhaps an interesting type of divination awaits you. 

Difficult to understand.

See, sometimes we are not able to understand our own intentions, especially when we’re in overanalyzing and overanalyzing.  

But if we pull back a little bit and clear our minds, we can allow ourselves to relax into the proper headspace, we can find the answer we seek.

Did you know your solar plexus or stomach has the same chemicals as your mind?

But it doesn’t speak the same language.

It works through body sensation, a gut instinct, and a sense of knowing.

In order to hear your intuition speak, you need to quiet your mind and you need to listen, or I should say feel, for the answer. 

I’m going to bring you on a relaxing, yet powerful guided meditation to connect your head, heart, and gut.

When you connect in this way, you open up the mind to provide you with unfiltered answers. Those that come from the gut ( solar plexus) but are also supported by your head. 

Type of Questions 

 1. Come up with a question. that is open-ended. The open question usually starts with a what, where, when, how or why. If you can answer this question with a yes or a no, it is not open enough.

2. Write your question down, you can keep it in your mind, but you need to have a question before you begin. You can even connect this to the divining magic in your own life, whatever form that may be. 

3. Find a place where to sit.  Maybe some nice relaxing music and candles.

Below you can download just the guided meditation portion of this podcast It’s the whole meditation accompanied by soothing music.




Headphones are optional. 

Sending me a note telling me your experience is optional too, but it would be great!

Remember, you have a powerful mind and it can be changed to support the life you want to live. In the meantime, enjoy your day, one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

Resources & Links Mentioned:

“Those who need to connect will find one another.” 


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