
Yoda, the wise Jedi Master can teach us lessons on how to cultivate a mindful life. 

One of the best movies of all time the Star Wars, of course, and I am a huge Yoda fan, so I wanted to share some powerful Yoda principles that will help you to cultivate a better way of thinking. 

This is kind of a fun episode.

I will share a few powerful sayings and thoughts about Yoda and his principles.

Disclaimer, I’m not an expert on Star Wars, so be kind.

First off, Yoda is based on the Jedi’s way of non-attachment. They’re not allowed to be emotionally attached to anything or anyone, because attachment leads to fear and fear leads to loss and loss leads to the dark side.

Similar to Buddha’s principles where attachment leads to suffering.

When we think of the word suffering, we tend to think of suffering in the context of religious suffering, and it’s not that.

Any thinking that is not helpful is suffering.

Everyone suffers, no matter what. Life in itself causes difficulties. It’s life and you’re gonna suffer. 

Five Yoda Sayings. What do they mean?

1. No try, not do or do not. There is no try.

This basically means that there is no middle ground. You either do it or you don’t. Think of the energy behind the word try, it sounds so indecisive, so wishy-washy.

When you say try, it sounds like you’re not going to give it your best effort. If you say yes, it brings in more power, it makes it more direct. If you say no, it brings in strong boundaries. 

The first saying is around the idea of making up your mind. 

2. You must unlearn what you have learned.

This is probably my favorite.

It means you are not always congruent with what you think you know and sometimes you have to unlearn these things.  You may have to unlearn a bad habit or a way of thinking. Leave room in your life for questioning the validity of everything

As a hypnotist, I have to un-hypnotize people from the difficulties that they’re having.

3. You will find only what you bring in.

This is all about inner reflection and inner knowing, and what you bring in reflects back and out to the world.

If you bring in mindfulness, you will find mindfulness. If you bring in hate, you will find hate. So be careful what you let come into your life, because it will expand within you and around you.



4. Difficult to see, always in motion, is the future.

This represents the idea that the future does not exist. It is a concept, it is something that you project onto.

The future is always now.

You are always stepping into the future right now.

5. If no mistake you have made, losing you are a different game you should play.

You are gonna make mistakes and if you do something without making a mistake, you’re never gonna grow, you’re never gonna expand.

There are sometimes blessings in our difficulties and our mistakes. You learn so much when you make them. You grow by that because you learn a different way and a different way of seeing and believing something.

If you’re so careful about making mistakes, you’re not gonna take chances and you’re not gonna allow yourself to do something that you should do because you’re worried about making a mistake.

One of the main Yoda Principles 

One of the main Yoda principles is to be mindful.

Be present and aware, to step into the beauty of the moment without judgment, without analyzing, without overthinking it. If you’re judging and you’re analyzing and you’re overthinking.

Find the simplicity in life. I believe that is the greatest lesson of them all. 

So take these five ideas, decide what you believe and work the Jedi master’s wisdom, and take it all with a grain of salt.

This was meant to be fun, but also to give you a little bit of insight, because you can get just as much insight from Yoda as you can from Kung Fu Panda’s wisdom, and I will leave you with this wisdom right now.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.


Remember, you have a powerful mind and it can be changed to support the life you want to live. In the meantime, enjoy your day, one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

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