
Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the changing leaves, the beauty of it, and the magic of it.

Let’s appreciate the fall colors and be mindful of doing so. 

The time of year when the colors become amazing. They capture our senses and pull our gaze upwards. We get to see the final show before the earth moves into slumber.

The days are shorter, the crisp air feels refreshing after a long hot summer and we are now gazing upon the greatest vision of them all. The changes in the leaves. It is definitely my favorite. It makes the world colorful and we can reflect on the beauty of it all.

It is one time when people become very present. Dark browns, oranges, and reds.

It seems almost unnatural that “death” can be so beautiful.

Yes, my friends..the leaves are dying is why they change color.

We are reminded of the seasonal changes in our own life. What do we need to let go of? What has changed in our own lives this past year? Fall brings a sense of reflection.

Mindfully Appreciate the Fall colors

So today, take a short journey with me as we explore the beauty of the season.

Notice the colors…the different shades. The depth of them.

The greens..how they are getting darker.

The varying shades of orange.

How the reds seem dull and rusty in some cases and yet some trees are so bright they are captivating.

Notice the rustling of the leaves and the crunching sounds if you walk on them.

Listen to the sound of the wind as it blows through the trees. You see the leaves get carried away by the wind. What is interesting about this is the leaves don’t “fight” letting go.

They naturally and gently surrender to what is. Twisting, moving, and gently landing at its final destination.

Be aware of the smell of the crisp autumn air. And notice the smell of the leaves. The dampness of the earth and the smell of the season. It is unforgettable.

Lastly, bring your attention to the sensation inside your body. Do you feel gratitude, awe, peace, or reflection? Just notice and if you feel good, hold on to it longer.

What is so interesting about this time of year is we get to see behind the trees.

And because it changes our landscape, it makes us notice more. Naturally, we become more mindful.

So go sit outside, or go for a walk and experience the beauty of an autumn day in all her glory.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Enjoy this video. 

One Minute of Mindfulness Video- Gratide for the fall colors 

Mindfulness Appreciates the Fall colors. from CJ Reynolds on Vimeo.

So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE thing.

Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here.
Be mindful-one minute at a time.

Hugs Cheryl

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