
Goal setting can be fun, especially when you think of it as a journey. Enjoy a mini-meditation to motivate you and bring your goal to fruition. 

Ooh, I get it really close to the fourth quarter and I don’t know about you, but I love goal-setting. Goal setting is taking a big project and you’re dropping into bite-sized pieces. This is why quarter goal setting is so much better. We can accomplish big goals in a small amount of time. 

Besides, if you get bored easily, you can still accomplish your goals. They are three months long.

How to make goals easier to achieve? 

Work on the milestones and the process instead of the actual goal.

We get very caught up in seeing the big picture, which we need to do to know where we’re heading, but it is easier to move along the steps, to move to the milestones, and to work the process.

Milestones are parts of the goal that need to be done to achieve your goal. You can have as many as you wish, but they are usually easy to define. If you’re writing a book, a milestone might be creating an outline. If you are in a weight reduction program, a milestone might be the first 5 pounds. 

When you focus on the process, it slows you down and it helps the goal seem more manageable. Besides the tiny milestone hits of dopamine are so motivating!!

Remember to keep an eye on your goal, focus on the milestones and the process of creating your goal and when you get stuck, use hypnosis to help you get past the worry or the fear of the uncertainty of what you’re doing.


Bring in mindfulness to slow you down.

Mindfulness will help you to be present as you’re moving toward your goal. It will help you slow down enough to enjoy the steps you’re taking to get there and, on top of that, it will just help to solidify that what you’re doing is fun and exciting and is bringing you a new opportunity. Mindfulness can settle your mind too. 

Goals bring you forward, goals are designed to create change

Instead of setting goals, do something different.

Reverse Bucket List. Author Brooks just wrote a book with Oprah about happiness. He uses what’s called a reverse bucket list. You write down all of your accomplishments you’re proud of and you focus on them. 

This helps get you excited and it also shows you what you have and can achieve.

You can look back and be proud of what you’ve done.

We often forget to do that. Even I do. I forgot I wrote a book this past year. I got so caught up in what’s happening now that I forget to appreciate what I’ve done.

Always give yourself extra time to complete your goals. 

Things tend to take a little bit longer than what is to be expected. Besides if you do miss a deadline or a milestone, it’s not punishment. It’s just a way to reassess and continue on. 

Remember to use your hypnosis tools to keep you going!

Listen to Mini-Hypnotic Meditation to reach your goals!

You don’t need to do anything but sit back and listen. Headphones are good too. Oh, don’t drive while listening to this recording.


Remember, you have a powerful mind and it can be changed to support the life you want to live. In the meantime, enjoy your day, one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

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