It comes and it goes, and it’s very fleeting at times and we struggle.
Even I have trouble with fleeting mindfulness so you’re not alone.
Most often, when I have to do a podcast, I have to do a lot of thinking about what I want to talk about what I want to say, what I want to get across, and it pulls me out of mindfulness.
Life in general can pull you out of mindfulness as well.
We get caught up in our lives and where we’re going, what we’re doing, and what we want to accomplish, and we get busy.
That busyness can sometimes make it hard to be mindful and we forget to be mindful.
We forget how important it is just to pull ourselves back. And allow ourselves to be in thepresent moment.
When mindfulness gets difficult or fleeting, sometimes we forget to give it the attention it deserves.
Plus when you’re not used to being mindful, you have to train your brain to go there.
At other times, it feels easier, natural, like If you’re doing something creative, or something you love, or you’re in that place of a happy Zen, you may shift into mindfulness naturally.
But, if it’s not your natural state, and you’re usually in your head or an overthinker, you may have to make an effort to be mindful.
Sometimes we try a little bit too hard.
Often we think, we’re not doing it right but when it comes down to it, mindfulness is just an open state of curiosity.
Super curious about what is around you, super interested in what is happening right now.
Curiosity will help you shift into mindfulness.
It’s so simple it’s overlooked as being difficult.
So the next time you feel as though you’re getting stuck, and you can’t get mindful.
How to be curious
Just take a few deep breaths, and settle yourself into that breath.
And when you open your eyes, just be curious.
Look around you as if what you’re seeing, you’re seeing for the first time.
What you’re hearing, you’re hearing for the first time.
The sensation you feel via, touch is happening for the first time.
Even the emotions you’re feeling on the inside are happening for the first time.
Just be curious in an open spacious way, not curious in an analytical need to analyze this way.
Just allow this process to happen naturally.
Sometimes again, life gets busy life gets in the way and that’s ok.
Don’t try too hard. Just be curious and open. I have included a few previous podcasts that may be of interest to you as well. See below.
Oh, Marvin, the crow says “hello” too. (You’ll hear him on the podcast)
Take a deep breath in and exhale
So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE one thing.
Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here.