Self-care is important for your mind, body, and soul. 

For a long time, my self-care routine consisted of having a cup of coffee and relaxing on the porch. Well, it’s not really a porch, more like a tiny landing. 

Honestly, I am not a girly girl if you haven’t noticed. I hardly wear makeup and I have 5 pairs of shoes….that includes sneakers!

Shopping is a necessity not a delight.

I’m also not a touch-my-feet pedicure kind of girl either. Eww. 

But, as I went on in my little coffee bubble, I didn’t see self-care as anything important until I was feeling like I wasn’t taking care of myself. 

So, the powers that be say that self-care is all about eating healthy, sleeping well, and taking care of your body and your mind. This all ties into preventive care as well. 

Self-care to me is less about the physical body and more about our mental state. Where the brain goes, the body will eventually follow. 

How to expand your self-care? 

  1. Have strong boundaries

Learning to say no is the most powerful sentence you can use. 

Remember, no is a complete sentence. 

Strong boundaries are about taking care of yourself and being true to yourself.  They say to put your oxygen mask on first because you can’t support or take care of anyone else unless you have proper boundaries. 

And remember, it’s never about the other person. How they feel, and how they act is none of your business.  You can only control your behavior and thinking.

  1. Be true to yourself

This ties into number one with boundaries. Knowing who you are is the crux of self-care. It’s being alone with your thoughts, and being aware of your actions and reactions.

 It’s appreciating yourself with your good attributes and your flaws. It’s being ok with them and still loving it all. 

This can be difficult to do especially if you have that negative voice in your head telling you what to think about yourself. Here is a little tip when it comes to self-criticism.

If you can’t 100% prove that what you think about yourself is true, then it’s not. 

  1. Find your happiness

What makes you feel content and at peace? Listen to the other podcast episode on happiness.  

I am not talking about what makes others happy, I’m wondering what makes you happy. What makes your heart sing? This deserves some reflection and some mindfulness to see the simplicity in things. 


When you’re happy you become more grateful.

  1. Add Mindfulness to your self-care

You KNEW I would add mindfulness.

Mindfulness brings a deeper connection to your self-care routine.

It allows you to be present while you enjoy that bath, that walk, that glass of wine, or even a few moments of reflection.

Adding mindfulness to your self-care will expand it, and make it become a sacred space that you will enjoy doing. 

Let me ask you, what is your favorite self-care routine?

Alright, go on with your bad self and change up your self-care routine. 

Take a deep breath in and exhale. 

So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE thing. 

Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here. 

Be mindful-one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

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