When we lose control, it can sometimes feel hard to get it back in check.
Feeling a loss of control can feel overwhelming and stress-producing. There are a few ways to help bring back some control to your life.
If you are having a hard time coping or severe anxiety, please take care of yourself, seek counseling, or talk to your PCP. Be safe.
Start with checking into yourself
Check into your emotions.
How are you feeling? Anger, frustrations, sadness?
It’s okay to feel all of them and even more. You have the right to feel any emotion you have and you should.
Allow yourself to feel these emotions/sensations.
It’s not healthy to push them away or back.
Instead, feel them. Become mindful of them.
Technique to get back in control
Take a deep breath in and exhale.
- Just be present where you are right now.
- Be present with your breath
- Be present with any thoughts that are going through your mind. Let them come and let them go.
- Be present with any sensations you are feeling in your body. Allow it, be present with it.
- Anything you are feeling, feel it.
- Allow it, be one with it.
- Breathe into it and just be.
Take a deep breath in and exhale.
Give yourself some perspective.
Remember, your emotions can be used for motivation but it has to be tempered with clarity.
Clarity brings perspective and perspective brings a bit of space, and space brings openness.
Allow for that clarity. Give yourself some space to have a different or clearer perspective.
And when you have this space, it will bring creative thinking.
This allows you to make decisions that you can put action into instead of reacting.
You’ll be in a better space and place in your mind.
As soon as we feel as though we’ve lost the ability to take control of something we start spinning, we start grasping, we start grabbing.
We lose our ability to have clear thoughts.
We need to settle our mind and body down.
I want to read you a quote.
“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in your life but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.”
-Viktor Frankl
A Holocaust survivor, he wrote the best-selling book, Man’s Search for Meaning.
You always have choices even when you have no control.
You have a choice of how you react to this lack of control and how you go forward in dealing with it.
Be mindful, give yourself some perspective and THEN you can take action.
It’s OK if you don’t have the answers now, with perspective…you will.
Remember, perspective puts space between your thinking which allows you to come up with alternative ideas.
Besides, action counters loss of control.
If you don’t know what to do….
Know that you’re doing something right now to gain control again
- You are listening to this podcast.
- You’re calming your mind.
- You’re taking control of your situation in a small way.
And that might be enough right now.
BUT, when and if you are ready, take more action. Even small actions can help.
Remember Self-Care
Take a time-out.
Take a bath, read a book, go for a walk or just get out of your head for a few minutes.
Be MINDFUL -get away from thinking about the past or dwelling in the future.
Take care of yourself.
You are more in control than you think.
Take a deep breath in and exhale.
So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE one thing.
Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here.
Be mindful-one minute at a time.
Hugs, Cheryl
Sponsors & Links Mentioned:
- Ocean Meditation
- Watching thoughts meditation
- Use mindfulness to become more patient
- Let go of shit hypnosis meditation
If you are really struggling, consider Hypnosis to help bring some control back to your life.
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