
Looking up to the sky above you can literally change your mind.

So we have been told to look up our entire lives. Hold your head high, chin up. Make sure you look up and have good eye contact. Don’t slouch. 

But are we ‘really ‘looking up or just looking out or back in at the busy thoughts in our head? 

I’m going to talk about looking up literally.

Before I got into this topic, I grew up in the ’70s. A Gen-Xer and we were given some “interesting” childhood stories to read.

One of them was ‘Chicken Little.’ Link below. It’s about a chicken who goes around saying “The sky is falling, the sky is falling.” 

I remember covering my head after reading it thinking the sky was falling.

It gives looking up a whole new perspective. LOL

Beyond that unnerving fairytale, we are constantly looking down. 

At our phones, at our feet, as we walk. The constant looking down pulls us in and makes us smaller. 

How can we change our perspective and find a spacious Mind? 

Look up!


Look up now, here’s how

Let your body straighten up, chin off chest, shoulders back, and lift your head. Let the energy flow naturally through your body.

Just take a few breaths and settle into the moment. 

Now if you are in a place or space where you can look up mindfully. 

Even if it’s at a ceiling. It’s good to get a different perspective of where you are. 

It gives you a sense of spaciousness too.

Do this without judgment, just notice what you are seeing. 

Looking up can bring a feeling of spaciousness and expansion.

It puts situations we are in in a different context and it gives contrast to the “small” world problems we may have.

There is also a feeling of connection to the sky above. We feel “under it” and part of it. This awareness can bring a sense of belonging to something bigger. 

And when we see things that are bigger than us, it stretches us to reach for it, to find our own potential. 

How much could you accomplish if your mind was as spacious as the blue sky above you? 

How does “blue” affect you?

Let’s talk about the ‘blue’ sky. 

Looking up can put you into a meditative state especially if you are watching a few clouds go by. 

Blue as a color is spacious, and it brings a sense of serenity and tranquility to our senses. 

 The color seems to pop from between the clouds, trees, and buildings and beyond the mountains or above the sea. It washes over us making us feel calm and peaceful. 

There is power in looking up. During the day and at night. 

Don’t forget the stars above you. Something about connecting to those stars brings a sense of awe to us. It feels infinite and it’s powerful

So, enjoy looking up, you just might gain a new perspective. 

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE thing. 

Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here. 

Be mindful-one minute at a time.

Hugs, Cheryl 

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Have you read the Chicken Little Fairy Tale? Thoughts? What was your favorite fairy tale as a kid?  

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