
Love is important, just as important as self-love.

It’s February and love is in the air. So let’s breathe it in and infuse yourself with some self-love

This podcast episode is about feeling self-love and finding appreciation for yourself. 

We beat ourselves up all the time, we think negatively about ourselves, we punish ourselves and we don’t give ourselves the respect that it’s due or the admiration that is due. 

So today, let’s flip that over. 

And for a moment, listen to what I’m saying. 

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

You are stuck with yourself. I know that that’s a wonderful way to start this but it’s true. 

You are stuck in the body and the mind of who you are.

 You can’t get out of it. 

This is your temple. 

This is your home. 

This is your space.

 And it’s better to decorate it with love and self-appreciation and kindness and awareness and simplicity and mindfulness of course than it is to decorate it with negativity and self-loathing, and hurtfulness and harm. 

Learn to appreciate that you are everything you need to be right here, right now at this moment. 

You deserve self-love

I want you to look at the things that you love.

 It could be a person, a place, an item. 

When you look at the things that you love, and you’re feeling that appreciation for this item, and you’re noticing that feeling of love come up, I want you to hold on to that feeling a little bit more. 

Take that same feeling and pull it inside. 



Let that love that you send out to something else be reflected back within you. 

Pull it in, take it in, and hold it. 

Appreciate the simplicity of this act. 

You deserve to have love, you deserve to bask in it to soak it up.

 And you can do that by allowing the love that you spread to reflect back to you to move within every cell of your being. 

Lastly, I want to say I truly appreciate you listening to this podcast, and I send you love today wholeheartedly with no expectations in return. 

Have a lovely day. 

Take a deep breath in and exhale

So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE thing. 

Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here. 

Be mindful-one minute at a time.


Hugs, Cheryl 

P.S Don’t forget to also spread the love! Share this podcast with your family and friends. Thank you. 

Sponsors & Links Mentioned:

Four ways to improve your self-care routine 



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