Yes, your rational mind is important, But it is not always accurate when it comes to navigating the world.
Intuition. One of my favorite topics. Right up there next to Mindfulness.
I love intuitive nudges, gut instincts, intuitive flashes, 6th sense just the plain ol…”I know something is not right, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
Do I have intuition?
Yes, everyone does. It takes trusting the unknown and trusting our gut. Some people only want facts and data.
The two things intuition doesn’t have are facts and data.
Intuition is a sense of internal knowing about a person, event, situation, and yourself. It is a sense, not a hard fact.
How intuition works.
I’ll give you my theories.
I believe intuition is based in the subconscious mind. And our subconscious mind has seen everything in our life although it filters most of it. So we “know” internally more than we think we do.
Another reason is you have the same chemicals in your brain that you have in your gut. The difference is you don’t have a rational mind in your gut, so it comes across as an undescribed feeling or sensation.
Lastly, in my opinion, there is a higher universal power that has your best interest in mind which can guide you if necessary. This can be whatever you call it. Universal Power, divine intervention, God, Your dead uncle.
You go with your bad self on this one.
Intuition is basically knowledge of something without understanding why you know it.
It’s a sensation or a perception that gives a belief that can’t be explained.
- It’s the mother who knows, without a doubt, something is wrong when she talks to her daughter.
- It’s the decision (work, money, love) you are about to make that doesn’t fit well.
- It is getting in the car, and “knowing” you forgot something. You look around seeing you have your lunch, phone, and briefcase. Because the feeling is so strong, instead of taking off in the car, you decide to walk back into the house without knowing why. Ahhh, you left the coffee pot on.
- It’s meeting someone for the first time and not feeling comfortable when you’re asked why you can’t explain it.
They say your first “gut” reaction is usually right on, but intuition is like a muscle, if you don’t use it, it will atrophy, and if you use it, it will get stronger and much more powerful.
Three ways to increase your ability to use your own intuition
First, I closed my Hypnosis Office because of an intuitive nudge. (Listen to the Podcast for the full story.)
1. If you are “thinking” you aren’t intuiting.
Yes, that is a word! Intuition doesn’t come from the thinking mind. So, quiet your thinking and “feel” or “sense” the situation. Be quiet. Be silent. Be Mindful. Notice the sensation and then after all that, ask the important question. What is the feeling telling me?
I know this is not easy. This is trust and this can take some time.
That dovetails into my next suggestion. All about Trust.
2. Trust yourself.
How do you learn to trust? Start making a list or journal every time you have an intuitive nudge. Write it down. Write down how your body felt. What your rational mind was saying. Over time you’ll notice themes so when you do have that internal nudge, you’ll know your spot on.
3. Pay attention to feeling “off” about a situation.
A situation or event that doesn’t fit right. This is the kind of situation you start waffling over should I, shouldn’t I?
When you say, “I don’t know”, deep down, most often intuitively, you usually do.
Sometimes there is something bigger going on.
One of the reasons we don’t want to trust our intuition is it usually shines a spotlight on something you don’t want to know about. It gives the truth before you’re willing to acknowledge it in your rational mind. And as we know, the truth can sometimes hurt.
When you align with your intuition and trust that internal knowledge, you’ll feel it not only in your gut but also directly in your heart.
Intuition is a gift and you can expand it with these simple techniques. It has our back. Our intuitive mind is a warning signal and it wants to keep us safe but above all, it wants us to live as our authentic selves.
Now, if you like this topic and want to know more, you may want to consider Spiritual Hypnosis. More insight into increasing your intuition, naturally
Here is a recap:
When it comes to intuition, remember these three things.
- When you’re thinking, you’re not intuiting. Be Mindful.
- Trust yourself. Start writing themes down in a journal.
- Pay attention to that “off” feeling about a situation or person.
Tell me. If you have a story to share about a cool intuitive nudge, I would love to hear it.
Take a deep breath in and exhale.
So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE thing.
Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here.
Be mindful-one minute at a time.
Hugs, Cheryl
Sponsors & Links Mentioned:
- Spiritual Hypnosis – Tap into the power of your higher self
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