
Mindfulness can be a struggle for many people especially if you have never practiced it before.

Some people struggle with mindfulness, so if this is you, this just might help. 

You can grab a book about mindfulness and read it to your heart’s content.is called “learning.”You start to “know” the information from an intellectual standpoint. Then you move into “doing.” 

Creating a practice, starting to meditate. This is mindfulness, you can’t stop at “knowing” or “doing”, there is one more stage. 

This is called Being. 

When you are mindful, you are being. Being aware. Being present. Just Being. 

I’ll talk more about Knowing, Doing, and Being in a later podcast, but for now, let’s get into why Mindfulness can be so hard. 

Even though it’s a natural process, when you’re not used to it, it can feel foreign to you. 

It’s no different than me telling you to take a sip of water. But how do you do that if you’ve never used a cup before?


1. Do you understand what mindfulness is?

I did a podcast episode on how to know if you’re mindful and that will help. It’s Episode #5-how do I know if I’m mindful?  

Mindfulness is awareness. Presence. That’s it.

Because it is so simple, we often make it out to be some big thing. It’s being aware with your senses; eyesight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell AND being aware of any internal sensations.

Now, you might not be using all these senses at once, but you can try different ones and see what works best for you. 


2. Are you trying too hard? 

This is when we tend to make it more complicated than it is. We start believing that our only option is to have a busy mind.

So, first off. Stop telling your mind it’s busy. Seriously. Your mind hears everything you say and that subconscious mind listens and gives you what you ask for. EVERY Time. 

Start slow. If you are expecting to stay mindful for 20 minutes if you’re only used to having racing thoughts, it will be difficult, if not impossible. Let your brain get used to it. Create a slow habit. 

Give yourself some grace. 

And the more often you use your mindfulness practice, the better you will get at it. 


3. Are you feeling bored or uninterested? 

If you’re used to a busy mind, mindfulness can seem boring at first. 

The beauty in mindfulness is simplicity and presence in your life.

Sometimes though you might need to make an adjustment and yes, you might need to do a little thinking here. 

A few ways to make practicing mindfulness easier 

Change the time and location.

Maybe you need to practice at a different time. I don’t do well in the evening. I like to practice early on in the day. 

Maybe you need to change the scenery. Some people need more stimulation. Exercising, walking, doing something you love. Using your daily activities to integrate short bouts of mindfulness may make it easier. 

Now, let’s think about “why” you are bored. 

Are you missing something? 

Longing? Wanting something different? Fighting it? 

Sometimes we need to sit with “what is” and do a little curious examination. This is a good time to take your journal out and make some notes. So, the next time it comes up, you can sit with it. 


4. Do you hold a belief that you can never be mindful? 

That is not true. Everyone can be mindful.

It’s your natural state of being. And you probably have times when you’re mindful and not even know it. When you take the first bite of your favorite food. Maybe you are a runner or exercise puts you in a state of mindfulness. 


5. Are you easily distracted? 

This is normal, and it can feel frustrating especially if it snaps you out of mindfulness. Some of the distractions can be external and sometimes emotions can cause distractions. 

It’s normal for the brain to evaluate things especially when it feels there is a threat to your wellbeing.  Instead of focusing on the distraction, integrate it into your practice. If you hear a sound, pay closer attention to it in a non-judgmental way. If an emotion comes up, notice it and let it pass. 

I used to get so annoyed with cars going by, then one day I started listening to the cars. How they move from one ear to another. It made the experience normal. It made it “life.” 

So, those are the five ways to help if you are struggling with mindfulness. 

Go back through them and work on what you need to consider- One minute at a time.

Take a deep breath in and exhale

So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE thing. 

Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here. 

Be mindful-one minute at a time.


Hugs, Cheryl 

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