
Anchor Into Calm:5 Days to Release Stress and Step Into Inner Peace

If you have anxiety, this challenge is for you.

I want to invite you to a challenge that will give you a reprieve from all the sh*t that is going on in the world and to not feel as reactive. 

I want you to have a good day, without feeling that heavy burden of of stress or anxiety resting on your shoulders. 

Plus I want to give you a few resources that you can use now and in the future. 

Does that sound good? 

There is more…

This is an interactive challenge so you’ll get to experience a few of these techniques to get the hang of them. 

Besides, they are based on brain science with a sprinkle of woo-woo…. highly effective. 

Plus you’ll have me with you to guide you along. 

It’s unlike any challenge you ever experiences. 


This is a FREE FIVE day challenge with Cheryl

How it works:

We’ll meet together on zoom for for 5 days. 

You get my brain, my time and my years of coaching and some soothing strategies that will settle your nerves.

I will help you Anchor Yourself in Calm. 


Before you get ready to jump in, keep reading…

This turns challenges upside down...

I admit, I love a good challenge.

They are bit sized and usually bring valuable insight. 

BUT…there are downfalls when it comes to challenges. 

You need to show up at a specific time the challenge is taking place. 

They are not customized as you’re usually in a challenge with up to 100 people. 

Asking the challenge host a question can be tough.

And sometimes all of the noise can be overwhelming so you get lost in the crowd. 

My challenge is different…

Sounds Awesome!

It IS Awesome!! 

Yes, if this sounds interesting to you, email me below and I’ll send you additional information including the Commitment Rules 

Yes, there are rules. I don’t sign up everyone because I only work with those who are willing to show up and do the work. 

Oh, if you do sign up, remember this is for *Spiritual Women over 40. 

Hit the button below… 

Yay! Let’s anchor you into a relaxed state of mind. 


For the quickest response, contact me via my Facebook Messanger. I am EST, so if you contact me after 7pm, I’ll get back to you the following day. 


I only provide a set number of challenges per week. 

Although rewarding, they are time consuming for on my part.

Sign up early because these challenges could go away at anytime, especially when I get busy with my clients. 


*Spiritual Women means you are open to concepts that allow you to follow your own inner wisdom, and you are open to different modalities that are non religious but are highly spiritual.

If you have additional questions, reach out. 

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