
For Spiritual Women over 40

Freedom from unwanted anxiety so you can live and breathe from a place of calm.

What would your life look like if YOU could move into effortless calm at will?

To finally get back to doing what you love, and reconnecting back to your spiritual/soul self once again. 



Let's stay in touch...

I want you to know what it feels like when being calm becomes effortless...

What if it was easy to feel calm again? 

If it wasn’t so hard to do and a bit easier then you think. 

When releasing your anxiety won’t put you into a full blown panic. Most worry it will 

Just imagine what it would be like if it was a simple process and it’s actually fun to do.

I want to introduce you to The Effortless Calm Anxiety Crush System.

I challenge you...

Anchor into Calm- Release Anxiety and Embrace Inner Calm

Due to the overwhelming response to this challenge, this is now a 4 day challenge, not 5. 

You’ll work with me 1:1 on Zoom. It’s a unique experience for a challenge.  Oh, it’s free!

I’m Cheryl

Other Resources for you...

Effortless Calm Facebook Community-Join US!

Flame Of Serenity meditation

This Free Guided Mediation will relax you into a deeper connection with your Inner Spiritual Guide while helping you finding a bit of Zen.

Effortless Calm YouTube

I look forward to sharing some good content and connecting with you there. Say hello!

Do you have questions?

Have a simple question, want to know more? Smash the button below. I'll get back to you shortly. 

My Unique Coaching Service...

The Effortless Calm Anxiety Crush System

Freedom from Anxiety for Spiritual Women over 40.

May goal is to help you transform your anxiety into spiritual enlightenment, but first we have to put you in a state of Effortless Calm.  

Click below for more information…

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