Freedom from unwanted anxiety so you can live and breathe from a place of calm.
What would your life look like if YOU could move into effortless calm at will?
To finally get back to doing what you love, and reconnecting back to your spiritual/soul self once again.
Does your Spirituality means the world to you?
It guides you to live an authentic life, make decisions, to feel deeply connected to a Higher Power, and, above all, it brings you joy.
But it’s not always an easy path, and there are times when you might feel disconnected, like you lost your way.
When you have anxiety the spiritual practices that used to light you up now feel flat and uninspiring.
I wonder?
Or maybe, you feel stuck on the couch, because facing the anxiety feels hard.
Getting out of bed is hard.
Going to work is hard.
Dealing with people and their BS is hard. Yes, you lost your compassion, I get it.
Feeling “normal” feeling hard!
What if it was easy to feel calm again?
If it wasn’t so hard to do and a bit easier then you think.
When releasing your anxiety won’t put you into a full blown panic. Most worry it will
Just imagine what it would be like if it was a simple process and it’s actually fun to do.
I want to introduce you to The Effortless Calm Anxiety Crush System.
Due to the overwhelming response to this challenge, this is now a 4 day challenge, not 5.
You’ll work with me 1:1 on Zoom. It’s a unique experience for a challenge. Oh, it’s free!
I’m Cheryl
I’m Cheryl J Reynolds, Holistic Spiritual Coach & Anxiety Release Specialist. Plus the founder of Effortless Calm Anxiety Crush System.
I’ve struggled like you…
I was an anxious mess for years and I lost my spiritual path.
Actually, for a while I thought this would be my life, that my anxiety would never go away.
I cried all the time, screaming “why me” and I would get jealous of the people who could live their life in a state of calm…where nothing bothering them.
But then, during a rare calm moment…
I realized this was my soul journey, something I had to conquer to become the best version of myself.
At that point I also found the deep connection between anxiety and spirituality… and that turned into my Serenity33, a big component of my Effortless Calm Anxiety Crush System.
From the point I released my anxiety, everything changed for the better.
You can too.
Effortless Calm Facebook Community-Join US!
This Free Guided Mediation will relax you into a deeper connection with your Inner Spiritual Guide while helping you finding a bit of Zen.
I look forward to sharing some good content and connecting with you there. Say hello!
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Freedom from Anxiety for Spiritual Women over 40.
May goal is to help you transform your anxiety into spiritual enlightenment, but first we have to put you in a state of Effortless Calm.
Click below for more information…